Friday, March 20, 2009

Rebuilding a model of my reality

I hear a lot of ideas during the week. Many of these will catch my ear and start me off on a string of tangent thoughts that leave me several minutes later, realizing that I am no longer part of a group discussion, or have lost the speakers subject entirely. I thought if I could write down some of these ideas, I would have both a record of them as well as serve to formulate these thoughts into actual ideas that couls be communicated. Too often my understanding of a subject leaps way ahead of my working knowledge of an idea. There fore, my novel understanding (which brings a serenity and unity with God like few other time) is fleeting and soon is lost to traffic, screaming kids , or business matters that continually pull me back into the here and now.

The here and now, or reality to many; has been at the forfront of my quiet thoughts this week. Over the past several months I have enjoyed coming to understand my limited exposure to string theory and metaphysics of this sort. I have often felt that my understanding of God was here to be discovered in these obscure dimensions. But like my understanding of so many things, the actual idea is clear and beautiful in only short glimpses in my mind. I haven't the vocabulary to express what I am feeling or seeing within my head, only that it defies conventional understanding and explanation in terms that I am familiar.

So my journey is to seek out this understanding and to build a set of models to help me explain my understanding of God in order to better explain it to anyone interested or to help others who perhaps have the limited understanding of these things as I do.

This week I heard a fascinating statement that sent me off trying to grasp how it plays into my model of God and myself. The statement was from a deacon James Keating, PhD, from creighton Univerity theology department and was as follows, "The only true reality is our reality before God." This immediatly struck me as my starting point in building my proposed model of God as I understand him inclusive of my existence.

Now earlier I touched on how I would get lost in thought only to later be pulled back into the here in now. To many, that here and now IS reality, but how much simpler can reality be except in terms of God and the individual. This reality has neither here nor now. Time and space would both have no meaning in the simplest form of reality. It is only our admitting self awareness that we are able to function as spiritual beings in the world we are familiar with, a world of time and space.

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